Vol 2, No 1 (2003)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 162 | views: 172 | pages: 1-6
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 98 | views: 186 | pages: 7-12
    In this study, a crude leishmanial antigen, was prepared by sonicating Leishmania major promastigotes used to induce immunity in BALB/c mice against cutaneous leishmaniasis. Correlation between the route of antigen injection and the efficacy of induced protection was examined. To enhance the effectiveness of the antigen, an immunostimulant drug, daraprim (pyrimethamine), was administered simultaneously with the antigen. The experiment demonstrated that simultaneous intraperitoneal injection of the antigen and daraprim resulted in protection from subsequent development of cutaneous lesions. Results of lymphocyte proliferation from mice immunized with either the antigen or antigen-daraprim mixture showed a signficant response to the antigen. The results suggest that daraprim can be used in prophylaxis programs to enhance the effectiveness of vaccines for cutaneous leishmaniasis.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 142 | views: 275 | pages: 13-15
    Chronic granulomatous disease is an infrequent primary immunodeficiency characterized by defective intracellular killing of ingested microorganisms thereby making patients highly susceptible to recurrent lite threatening bacterial and fungal infections. In this study, we review the medical course of an 8 yr old girl with AR-CGD. She suffered from recurrent dermal and deep abscesses, retractable salmonellosis, disseminated BCGosis, recurrent aspergillus infection presenting as mandibular osteomyelitis and pulmonary involvement with invasion to rib and vertebral bodies. Despite of longterm IV amphotricin B, itraconazole and IFN-y administration, and surgical interventions (drainage and resection), she died in spite of long term antibiotic anti fungal prophylaxis and interferon-gamma administrations, invasive aspergillosis resistant to current conventional therapies is the cause of 1/2 to 1/3 of CGD deaths.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 300 | views: 624 | pages: 17-24
    Although migraine affects about 15 % of the population, and many studies have been performed to find the mechanism and successful management, the physiopathology of migraine is still largely unknown. The possibility of an IgE-mediated allergic mechanism and the role of histamine remains controversial.
    The aim of the present study was the evaluation of serum total IgE and histamine levels in migraine patients and the influence of allergy on them.
    70 patients (18-58 years) with migraine without aura were divided in to 2 groups according to their history of allergy (60% with & 40% without allergy). Serum samples were collected during fasting without allowing any premedication in 2 conditions of attack and remission periods. There was a control group containing 45 healthy volunteers. Serum total IgE and histamine levels were measured by ELISA and tluorimetric methods respectively.
    Mean and standard error of serum histamine (ng/ml) and total IgE (IU/ml) levels were found in control group as 48.16±2.70, 38.31 + 3.20 and in migraine with an allergy group as 159.11 ±4.60, 303.30±42.50 and in migraine without an allergy group as 105.01 ±8.50, 79.07±2.70 respectively.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 169 | views: 250 | pages: 25-29
    Otitis media with effusion (OME) is very common in pediatric patients. Immune reactions in serum and middle ear system play roles in the etiology, pathogenesis and prevention of otitis media. Immunologically active antigens interact with immunocompetent cells in the lamina propria of the middle ear to produce a local immune response.
    In this investigation, 32 sera and 50 middle ear fluid samples from children (ranged 1 to 10 years) with secretory otits media were analyzed for IgA, IgM, IgG, C3 and C4 by single radial immunodiffusion (SRID) and IgE by enzyme linked immunosurbent assay (ELISA) techniques. Our results indicated a highly significant increase in IgA and a decrease in IgM, IgG, IgE, C3 and C4 in secretion as compared to serum concentrations. The ratio of IgA/IgG, a valuable index of local immune response, was higher in the middle ear than in serum. These data support the hypothesis that there is an independent mucosal immune response in the middle ear mucosa to different stimuli.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 194 | views: 286 | pages: 31-37
    Theophylline, (1,3-dimethylxanthine) is widely used as a smooth muscle relaxant, myocardial stimulant and a diuretic agent. The most frequent use of theophylline is in treatment of acute and chronic asthma as a bronchodilator.
    To determine the effect of Theophylline on serum electrolyte and uric acid, 21 asthmatic children (age range 1,5-7 years) with severe acute asthma and 25 patients with chronic asthma (5-15 years ) who were being treated with slow-release theophylline were enrolled in this study. Fifty age and sex matched normal children took part as control. Blood samples (5ml) were withdrawn before, during and after completion of the course of intravenous theophylline treatment (0.05-0.70 mg/kg/ hr). Sera obtained were used for analysis of K+, Na+, phosphorus, calcium and uric acid by RA-1000 automated analyzer and the following results were obtained:
    (1) After treatment, total serum calcium in acute asthmatic patients decreased significantly compared with controls (P<0.01); (2) serum phosphate and K+ levels of acute and chronic asthmatic patients after therapy decreased as compared with controls (P<0.01). (3) Post therapy increase in serum level of uric acid in acute and chronic asthmatic patients was statistically significant as compared with control (P< 0.001).
    We conclude that the serum levels of phosphate, potassium, calcium and uric acid should be monitored in patient receiving theophylline especially during prolonged use and critical emergency cases.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 95 | views: 183 | pages: 39-44
    Bordetella pertussis infects the respiratory tract of the human host and causes whooping cough in children. The nature of immunity against Bordetella pertussis infection and disease is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate cell mediated immunity in mice immunized with outer membrane component of cell wall, of B. Pertussis.
    A group of mice were immunized with outer membrane complex (OMC) and killed whole cell (WCV) of B. pertussis, with an interval of 2 weeks. During a period of 7 weeks following the immunization, lymphocytes were isolated from lymph nodes of immunized mice. The in vitro proliferative response of isolated lymphocyte to stimulation with 20 ^g of 30 and 69 kDa outer membrane protein (OMP) were measured as parameters for cell mediated immunity (CMI). The data were expressed as mean count per minute (CPM)xlO3 after subtraction of the CPM of unstimulated control cultures. Lymphoblastogenic response was observed in immunized mice with WCV and OMC. At 30 days of post immunization a significant increase in response to 30 and 69 kDa OMP was observed, a small decrease in the response was evident against P30 and P69 at 60 and 120 days of post immunization, but the response was still higher than what was observed in control mice.
    Current findings indicate strongly the potential of outer membrane protein component of B. pertussis in proliferating lymphocytes in the mice.
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    Chronic granulomatous disease represents a group of inherited disorders of phagocytic system wherein recurrent infections are seen at different sites especially in the respiratory system. To determine the clinical spectrum of respiratory manifestations in chronic granulomatous disease patients, in this retrospective study, we used data from Iranian Primary Immunodeficiency registry. The diagnosis was based upon WHO criteria for chronic granulomatous disease. We reviewed the records of 38 patients (26 males, 12 females), related to 33 families, 73% of whom were consanguineous. The median age at the time of the study was 12yrs (3mo-22yrs). The median onset age of symptoms was 4 months (lmo-12yrs), and that of diagnostic age was 5yrs (lmo-20yrs), with a diagnostic delay of 4.15 yrs, on an average. Sixty three percent of our patients had respiratory involvement in the course of their illness, including pneumonia (18pts, 75%), tuberculosis (llpts, 46%), aspergillosis (3pts, 12.5%), pulmonary abscess (3pts, 12.5%), and bronchiectasis (lpt,4%). Only 4 of our patients presented with respiratory problems as their first manifestation. Lymph nodes were the first common site and the lungs were the second sites of involvement in chronic granulomatous disease patients; however, it is noteworthy that only in a few of our patients, it was the first manifestation of the disease. Thus special attention should be paid to the pulmonary complications while managing this disease.