Vol 15, No 4 (2016)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 512 | views: 883 | pages: 257-263

    The important role of reperfusion therapies in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction is well documented. However, reperfusion therapies can initiate inflammatory response and may damage the myocardium. The purpose of current study was to compare the effects of percutaneous coronary intervention and thrombolytic therapy on inflammatory markers in the setting of ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Eighty three patients with STEMI were enrolled in this study. 40 patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and 43 patients received streptokinase (1.5 million IU) as a main medical reperfusion therapy. Monocyte expression of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4),  serum levels of TNF-α and IL-1β, red cell distribution width (RDW) and C- reactive protein (CRP) were compared between groups at admission time, two hours and four hours after termination of treatment. p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant for all tests. Compared to baseline, both treatments increased monocyte expression of TLR4, serum levels of cytokines and CRP. Compared to PCI, medical reperfusion therapy significantly raised both monocyte expression of TLR4 (39.8±4.7 % vs 49.1±3.6 %, p<0.01), and serum levels of TNF-α (13.2±3.7 pg/ml vs 25.1±2.6pg/mlp<0.05). No effect was seen on RDW levels. Moreover, medical reperfusion therapy caused significant rise in CRP levels (p<0.01). The present study demonstrates that thrombolytic therapy is associated with higher inflammatory responses compared to PCI. Our findings suggest that thrombolytic therapy may increase the likelihood of detrimental effects of reperfusion therapy on the myocardium

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 594 | views: 844 | pages: 264-274

    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a heterogeneous disease with regard to clinical phenotype and natural history. We investigated T cell subtypes and cytokine responses in peripheral blood and skin lesions of AD patients with various sensitivities. Immunological studies were performed in 27 subjects: 9 house dust mite (HDM)-sensitized; 6 subjects with sensitizations other than HDM; 7 non-allergic AD patients and 5 healthy controls. Among those, skin biopsy samples of 13 subjects were evaluated for immunohistochemical analyses, as well. The mean age was 8.93±5.17 years. HDM-allergic AD emerged as a distinct immunologic phenotype, with higher production of interleukin (IL)-4, -5, -2 both at rest and when stimulated by Der p1 or SEB along with higher Th17. As for TH17 cell percentage, it was increased in all AD groups compared to healthy controls, while HDM-allergic group was distinguished with a significantly lower production of IL-17. Patients with sensitizations other than HDM were mostly similar to non-allergic AD, with increased Th17 and CD4+CD69+interferon-gamma (IFN-γ)+ T cells percentage. The biopsy of lesional skin showed that HDM-allergic AD had lower IFN-γ and IFN-γ co-expressing CD8+ T cells compared to patients with other sensitizations (p=0.03 and p=0.04, respectively). Among the HDM allergic patients, pairwise comparison of lesional versus non-lesional skin revealed higher CD4+ T cells numbers, expression of forkhead box P3 (Foxp3) and T-cell-specific transcription factor (T-bet) (p=0.018, p=0.018, p=0.018, respectively). HDM-allergic AD is a distinct subtype with a predominant skewing in Th2 and higher Th17 cell percentage along with a blunted Th1 response in the skin, all of which may have therapeutic implications.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 6866 | views: 597 | pages: 275-282

    Human airway is generally destructed by inhaled factors and is the barrier to the external environment and has a crucial role in protection of the internal homeostasis of the lung. Sulfur mustard (SM) is a chemical warfare that capable of producing severe chemical injuries primarily in the lungs. Trefoil factor family (TFFs) plays major roles in epithelial repair and homeostasis, particularly in the lung. This study attempted to verify the role of TFFs in airway that induced by sulfur mustard. Fifteen patients exposed to SM and 10 non-exposed subjects were enrolled in this study. Bronchoscopy was carried out and endobronchial biopsy specimens were taken. The TFFs gene expressions were evaluated by RT-PCR. The results revealed that the TFF1 was overexpressed in exposed subjects in comparison to non-exposed subjects. In conclusion, TFF1 displays a distinct protein expression pattern in the developing of airway remodeling due to SM inhalation and plays an important role in maintaining the airway epithelium function.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 426 | views: 703 | pages: 283-288

    Lung exposure to sulfur mustard (SM) results in pulmonary complications, which is the main cause of long-term disability and morbidity. Up to now, the precise mechanisms of SM-induced lung complications has not been identified. The aim of this study was to evaluate apoptosis in the lung tissue of SM-exposed individuals. The study was performed on archived lung paraffin-embedded tissue specimens of21 patients suffering from pulmonary complications due to previous SM exposure and 9 unexposed patients who had undergone lung resections for another lung disease. Evaluation of apoptosis in paraffin-embedded lung tissue sections was performed using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assay and the cleaved caspase-3 immunohistochemistry assays. TUNEL-positive apoptotic features and caspase-3 expression of specimens were significantly higher in the SM-exposed group compared with the control group. This result demonstrates higher apoptosis rate in the SM-exposed group. Furthermore, the majority of positive cells consisted of alveolar epithelial cells in both methods. In conclusion,it seems that exposure to SM may result in increased apoptosis in respiratory epithelium. More studies are needed to evaluate the role of apoptosis in SM-induced lung complications in order to design new and effective therapeutic protocols.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 556 | views: 979 | pages: 289-295

    Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is known as the most common chronic disease of the oral cavity, which affects a range of 5-25% of the population. RAS appears to be associated with some human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles and haplotypes. This study attempts to survey the distribution of HLA-DRB and -DQB alleles among Iranian RAS patients and healthy controls. In order to evaluate the association of HLA-DR and DQ alleles and haplotypes, 54 patients with RAS and 100 unrelated healthy subjects as control group were investigated. Our data indicated that DRB1*13:17, DRB1*15:01, and DRB5*01 were significantly more frequent in RAS patients in comparison to controls. However, DRB3:01allele frequency was higher in the controls compared to the patients. The significantly frequent allele in the patients compared with the healthy subjects was HLA-DQB1*03:02. However, both HLA-DQB1*02:01 and HLA-DQB1*03:01 alleles were most frequent in the healthy individuals rather than the patients. The DRB*04/DQB1*03:01 and DRB*01:01/DQB1*02:01 haplotypes were significantly distributed in healthy subjects compared with patients. However, DRB*07:01/DQB1*03:02 haplotype was found to be significantly frequent in patients than controls. In respect of HLA genes, factors are involved in the incidence of RAS; various HLA-DRB and HLA-DQB1 alleles and the related haplotypes are suggested to be the three main RAS susceptibility factors in our population study.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 1044 | views: 1843 | pages: 296-302

    Programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) and its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, have been regarded as important immune system regulatory molecules. The aberrant expression of the molecules has been related to several autoimmune disorders. This study is aimed to assess the mRNA expression level of PD-1, PD-L1, and PD-L2 molecules in the peripheral blood mononuclear mells (PBMCs) from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. PBMCs were isolated from the whole blood of 50 MS and 50 healthy individuals. Total RNA content of the leukocytes was extracted. Then, cDNA was synthesized from the extracted RNA. Afterwards, quantitative analysis of PD-1, PD-L1 and PD-L2 was carried out through Real Time PCR using the TaqMan gene expression assays. Relative expression of PD-1 and PD-L1 in PBMCs from MS patients was significantly lower compared with the healthy control group (p=0.003 and 0.012, respectively). However, no significant difference was observed in the expression level of PD-L2 between patients and healthy individuals. Relative expression of PD-1 correlated with expanded disability status scale score (EDSS) of the patients (r=-0.763, p=0.008). Downregulation of the immunosuppressive molecules, PD-1 and PD-L1, may imply that over-activation of immune cells in multiple sclerosis occurs through signaling dysfunction of these molecules and PD-L2 plays no important role in this context.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 488 | views: 812 | pages: 303-308

    There are several known and unknown factors for unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion (URSA). Among them, complement regulatory protein CD46 plays a pivotal role in preventing uncontrolled activation of complement and successful continuation of pregnancy. We aimed in this study to investigate the possible association of CD46 IVS1-1724 C>G polymorphism with RSA in Iranian women. 141 women with RSA and 153 women with normal pregnancy were enrolled in this study. RSA was confirmed as the history of having at least three consecutive abortions without any known immunologic, pathologic and genetic reason. Genomic DNA was extracted and RFLP-PCR was done using a specific primer pair and HindIII restriction enzyme. Statistical analysis was done for determining the genotype and allele frequency, and also for odds ratio (OR). Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in genotype frequency between two RSA and normal groups. However G allele was significantly more frequent in fertile women and represented as a protective allele (p=0.04, OR=0.8, CI 95%). In contrary to similar studies in other two ethnic populations, our study showed no genotype differences in CD46 IVS1-1724 C>G Single nucleotide polymorphis (SNP) between RSA and fertile women. On the other hand, G allele was revealed as a protective allele for RSA. CD46 polymorphisms may predict the outcome of pregnancy; however, more studies in different ethnic groups are required.


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 488 | views: 800 | pages: 309-316

    Snail is one of the worst causes of food allergy. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the major and minor allergens of the local marine snail (Cerithidea obtusa) and subsequently to investigate the impacts of heat treatment on the IgE-binding activity of snail allergens. Proteins from raw and heat-treated snails (boiled, roasted and fried) were extracted and then resolved by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Immunoblotting of all extracts were then performed using sera from patients with snail allergy. The results showed that the raw extract contains numerous protein bands between 12 to>250 kDa. Some thermostable proteins, predominantly the 33 and 42 kDa bands, remained detected in all cooked extracts with decreasing intensities from boiled to roasted to fried extracts, while the majority of thermolabile bands denatured after heating. Boiled snail had more protein bands compared to roasted and fried snails. Immunoblotting of raw extract demostrated 19 IgE-binding bands ranging from 15 to 240 kDa. The thermostable bands of 33 and 42 kDa and a thermolabile of 30 kDa band were identified as the major allergens of this snail. The cooked extracts yielded less allergenic bands. The boiled extract yielded approximately 14 IgE-binding bands with some smeared bands at high molecular weight regions. The roasted extract had lesser IgE-binding bands and the majority appeared as smears, while the IgE-reactivity in the fried extract was less visible and appeared as weak smears. This study indicated that both raw and cooked snails played a crucial role in snail allergenicity, as this species of snail contains both thermostable and thermolabile major allergens. The degree of snail allergenicity was revealed in the order: raw> boiled > roasted> fried. Thus, the results would facilitate in the development of effective diagnosis and management strategies of snail allergy in this country

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 1219 | views: 2372 | pages: 317-327

    Allergic rhinitis is one of the most common health problems with a major effect on the quality of life. We intended to treat Allergic Rhinitis (AR) in patients who are either unresponsive to antihistamines or their job requires optimal alertness that may be disturbed by antihistamine’s side effects and those who do not comply with the regular use. We tried short term phototherapy and evaluated its effect on AR. As phototherapy is effective in the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) and the same allergens can produce both AD and AR, phototherapy is proposed as a new tool in the AR treatment. In AD, phototherapy causes induction of apoptosis in infiltrating T cells and other immunomodulatory effects. We performed a randomized single-blind study to investigate the effect of low-dose phototherapy in AR patients. Among AR patients who did not respond to local and systemic therapy, we chose 62 allergic patients all above 25 years of age with moderate to severe AR whose disease was verified by allergy skin test or specific IgE to allergens; then, they were randomly divided into 31 patients as treatment group and 31 patients as control group. In treatment groups, we used a mixture of UVA, UVB and visible light. In the control group, we used visible light alone as placebo. Then we evaluated the level of response to treatment in two groups and compared them according to Total Nasal Symptom scores (TNSS) and Global Severity Scores (GSS) and Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaires (RQLQ) symptom scores. We found out that phototherapy in the treatment group in comparison with placebo was effective in treatment of AR (p-value <0.001). However, we recommend that for substantiation of the claim, further investigations are still required

Short Perspective

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 1139 | views: 1797 | pages: 334-339

    Sarcoidosis is a systemic granulomatous disorder of unidentified etiology, with a heterogeneous clinical presentation. It is characterized by a reduced delayed-type hypersensitivity to tuberculin and common antigens. The balance between Th1, Th17 and Regulatory T(Treg) cells controls T-cell proliferation and activation.The Th17/Treg ratio in the peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluidis increased in patients with active sarcoidosis. Amplified IL-17A expression in granulomas and the presence of IL-17A+, IL-17A+IL-4+ and IL-17A+IFN-γ+ memory T helper cells in the circulation and BAL indicate Th17 cell involvement in granuloma induction and/or maintenance in sarcoidosis. Sarcoidosis should therefore be considered as a Th1/Th17 multisystem disorder and anti-IL-17/Th17 approaches that control and reduce IL-17Amay be an option, therefore, for the treatment of sarcoidosis.Here we provide a short overview as to the role of Th17 cells as critical cells in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis.

Brief Communication

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 668 | views: 936 | pages: 328-333

    Limited evidence has been obtained concerning the beneficial effects of autologous serum therapy in treatment of skin disorders particularly chronic urticaria. In the present study, we have assessed the effect of this treatment method in patients with chronic urticaria (CU). This randomized single-blind controlled trial was performed on fifty consecutive patients with chronic urticaria. The patients were randomly assigned to receive autologous serum (as the case group, n=35) or normal saline (as the control group, n=15) and treated with monthly autologous serum therapy or normal saline for 6 months. The considered study endpoint was changes in total severity score (TSS) at the 6 months follow-up visit. The TSS score was assessed at baseline as well as at the ninth week and the sixth month of interventions. The mean±SD of TSS at the ninth week of intervention was 10.94±3.92 in autologous serum therapy group and 11.67±2.72 in the normal saline group (p=0.458). Furthermore, the mean values of TSS at the sixth month of treatment in the study groups were 8.29±6.29 and 9.27±4.89 respectively (p=0.593). A downward trend in TSS, from baseline to the end of treatment, was seen in the case and control groups (p<0.001 for both), however the trend of this decline was insignificant between the two groups (p=0.592). The change in the trend of TSS after 6 months of treatment was independent from the administration of autologous serum when compared with normal saline administration (beta=-0.962, p=0.630). Multivariate linear regression model with the presence of baseline factors including gender, age, disease duration and history of atopy was performed to assess difference in TSS at six-month follow-up visit compared with the baseline value. Only young age was associated with more reduction of TSS (beta=0.163, p=0.023). We found no difference in the effects of autologous serum therapy and normal saline on the trend of the changes in disease severity in patients with chronic urticaria.