Psychiatric Aspects of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases: The Parental Study
Primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID) consist of a group of long-term illnesses which had permanent psychiatric effects on the patients and their parents. This study was designed to find out the most important origins and aspects of stressor in parents of PID patients.To assess the impact of psychiatric aspects in parents of PID patients, a valid and reliable questionnaire was compiled based on patients' complaints and consulting professionals in PID and psychology.
Fathers of 26 PID patients (17 male and 9 female) were enrolled in this study. According to the result of this study, anxiety for long duration of disease of child (mean score= 4.42), anxiety for incurable diseases of child (mean score=4.23) and anxiety for side effects and complication of treatments on child (mean score=4.08) were the most important stressors of parents.
The comparison between specific PID groups showed that there were significant differences between total score of groups (XLA= 92.8±31.2, CVID=78.7±19.5 and other types of PID= 90.7±22.5, p-value =0.37).
Survey for finding fundamental stressors and continuation of psychological counseling are necessary to achieve successful management of PID patients and their parents.
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Issue | Vol 12, No 2 (2013) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Chronic Disease Community Psychiatry Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes |
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