Gene Polymorphisms of 22 Cytokines in Macedonian Children with Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common chronically relapsing skin disease associated with abnormal cytokine production, and activation of T-helper 2 cells. The aim if this study was to determine whether cytokine gene polymorphisms might influence the development of AD. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the genes for I-L1alpha, IL-1beta, IL-1R, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, TGF beta, TNF and IFNgamma were investigated by PCR and sequence specific primers in Macedonian patients with AD (67 children, age of 6 months to 5 years) and 301 normal unrelated individuals. Susceptible cytokine polymorphisms for AD for eleven genotypes (IL-4 -33/T:T IL-4 -1098/G:G, TGFbeta cdn25C:G, IL-4 -1098/T:T, IL-1alpha -889/C:T, IL-2 +166/T:T, IL-1beta -511/C:T, IL-12 -1188/C:T, IL-10 -1082/A:G, IL-1beta +3962/C:T, IFNgamma +874/A:T), five diplotypes, six haplotypes, and for alleles were found. Protective cytokine polymorphisms for AD for seven cytokine genotypes (IL-4 -1098/G:T, TGFbeta cdn25/G:G, IL-4 -33/C:C, IL-1alpha -889/C:C, IFNgamma +874/A:A, IL-10 -1082/A:A, IL-1beta -511/C:C), one cytokine diplotypes, two cytokine haplotypes, and four cytokine alleles were also found. We concluded that several cytokine polymorphisms are protective, or susceptible associated with AD in population of Macedonians.
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Issue | Vol 11, No 1 (2012) | |
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Atopic dermatitis Cytokine gene polymorphisms Macedonian population SSP genotyping |
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