Animal Model of Asthma, Various Methods and Measured Parameters: A Methodological Review
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway with extensive airway remodeling. The ethical issues associated with the studies in asthmatic patients, required development of animal model of asthma. Animal models of asthma can provide valuable information on several features of asthma pathogenesis and treatment. Although these models cannot carry out all clinical features, they are valuable to understand mechanisms of the disease and curative access. Related articles were searched in different databases from September 1994 to April 2016 using; animal model of asthma, animal sensitization, allergen-induced asthma in animals terms. Although there are several reviews on this topic, in the present article, induction of animal model of asthma in different animals, various methods used for this purpose, measured parameters and research purposes were reviewed, which will help investigators to use the appropriate animal, methods, and evaluating parameters depending on their study design. In this study various method used for induction of animal model of asthma in different animals and measured parameters were described, which will help investigators to use the appropriate animal, method and evaluating parameters depending on their study design.
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Issue | Vol 15, No 6 (2016) | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
Keywords | ||
Asthma Animal models Airway remodeling Airway inflammation Airway responsiveness |
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