
No Direct Association among Respiratory Function, Disease Control and Family Functioning in a Sample of Mexican Children with Intermittent Asthma


Asthma has been linked to family disfunctioning and poor control of the disease.
This study was conducted to analyze the interactions between the level of intermittent asthma control, family functioning and respiratory function and between quality of life of asthmatic patients and their caregivers.
7 to 15 years old children with intermittent asthma were included. Asthma Control Test Questionnaire,  Pediatric  Asthma  Quality  of  Life  Questionnaire   (PAQLQ)   test,  and flowmetry were applied  to  children  and  Pediatric  Asthma  Caregiver´s Quatily of  Life Questionnaire  (PAQCLQ)  and  the  Family Functioning  Perception  Test  (FF-SIL) were applied to their parents.
The most affected areas of family functioning in dysfunctional families were adaptability and permeability. A medium  to  high strength  of  association was founded  between  the emotional function of parents and the emotional function of children, R2=0.552. The most remarkable associations were among parents’ limitation of activities and parents' emotional function (r=0.837), parents’ limitation of activities and child's emotional function (r=0.722), parents' emotional role and limitation of activities (r=0.837), parents’ emotional role and emotional functioning of children with asthma (r=0.743) and the limitation of activities of children with asthma and the emotional function of children with asthma (r=0.870).
No  direct associations were founded  among respiratory function, disease control  and family functioning in Mexican children with intermittent asthma and emotional function of parents and children were associated in both groups.

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IssueVol 12, No 2 (2013) QRcode
Asthma Asthma control Children Family functioning Pediatric asthma Quality of life Respiratory function

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How to Cite
Rodriguez-Orozco AR, Núñez-Tapia RM, Ramírez-Silva A, Gómez-Alonso C. No Direct Association among Respiratory Function, Disease Control and Family Functioning in a Sample of Mexican Children with Intermittent Asthma. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1;12(2):129-135.