Case Report

Rare Allergic Reaction to Local Anesthesia: A Case Report

Complications to local anesthesia


One of the most commonly used local anesthetic (LA) agents in dentistry is lidocaine. Hypersensitivity reactions to lidocaine have been reported. In such cases, it is crucial to record a detailed clinical history and perform allergy testing to select a suitable alternative LA agent.
This report presents the experience of observing a case of lidocaine allergy, supported by a review of the literature on the condition. A rare case of delayed hypersensitivity reaction to lidocaine is reported, where the patient exhibited swelling and erythema of the upper labial mucosa. Intradermal testing confirmed an allergic reaction to lidocaine.
The patient was successfully treated with an alternative LA agent, allowing for the completion of dental procedures without complications. This highlights the importance of careful diagnostic measures to manage such rare but significant allergic reactions effectively.
This case highlights the importance of recording a proper clinical history and performing allergy testing before the administration of LA to prevent severe allergic reactions. Additionally, patients identified as allergic to LA agents should be thoroughly counseled, informed about their condition, and provided with a clear explanation of all available treatment options

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IssueVol 24 No 1 (2025) QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Clinical history Delayed hypersensitivity Lidocaine Local aesthetic

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How to Cite
Issrani R, Almufarrij R, Alwaqid R, Alqarni M, Prabhu N, Baig M. Rare Allergic Reaction to Local Anesthesia: A Case Report. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2025;24(1):115-118.