Natural Killer Cells as Critical Modulators of Heart Disease: Exploring Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Therapeutic Perspectives
Natural killer (NK) cells are crucial components of the innate immune system and have emerged as significant players in the pathogenesis of heart diseases. This review discusses recent findings regarding the multifaceted roles of NK cells in various cardiac conditions, including coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, myocarditis, and heart transplantation. It outlines the NK cell subsets, particularly CD56-bright and CD56-dim variations, their functional characteristics, cytokine profiles, and the inflammatory pathways they are involved. The review discusses both the beneficial and detrimental effects of NK cell activity on cardiac pathology by underlining their participation in immune regulation, tissue repair, and graft rejection dynamics. Additionally, we have addressed the impact of NK-cell–oriented environmental signals and discussed potential therapeutic approaches, such as immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory strategies targeting NK cells. This review was therefore geared towards integrating available studies in understanding NK cell dynamics in heart disease and offering insights for future clinical interventions.
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Issue | Vol 24 No 2 (2025) | |
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Coronary artery disease Heart diseases Heart transplantations Myocardial infarctions Natural killer cells |
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