Original Article

Immunization of BALB/c Mice against Shigella sonnei Using a Multiepitope Protein Vaccine through Intranasal and Subcutaneous Administration


As the most common cause of bacillary dysentery or shigellosis, Shigella sonnei (S nonnei) has spread throughout the world. Invasion of the colorectal epithelial cells by this facultative intracellular bacterium occurs via various virulence factors. The increase in the resistance rate highlights the need for novel interventions, particularly increasing the urgency of the development of Shigella vaccines that may offer an effective solution.
A multiepitope protein vaccine (MEPV) construct previously designed using bioinformatics tools against Shigella species, was applied in vivo in BALB/C mice. The designed vaccine construct was expressed in a bacterial host, purified, and finally confirmed by Western blot analysis.
The immunogenicity of the purified MEPV was assessed against S sonnei via intranasal and subcutaneous administration routes, followed by evaluating its protective efficiency. We observed that interferon-gamma, interleukin-4, and immunoglobulin G levels were increased in all experimental groups.
Therefore, The MEPV effectively protected the mice against S sonnei.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ijaai.v23i4.16215
Adjuvant Immunogenicity Shigella sonnei Vaccines

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Akhgar S, Noorpisheh Ghadimi S, Farhani I, Ghasemian A, Mahmoodi S, mardkhoshnood M, Zarenezhad A. Immunization of BALB/c Mice against Shigella sonnei Using a Multiepitope Protein Vaccine through Intranasal and Subcutaneous Administration. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2024;23(4):412-421.