Original Article

Is There Any Parameter Helpful for Predicting a Suitable Candidate for Mite Immunotherapy?


Few biomarkers that can predict the clinical response to allergen immunotherapy (AIT) have been identified. The aim of the present study was to investigate parameters that could be used “in predicting the clinical response to AIT” in children with asthma caused by house dust mites. We evaluated 107 children with mild persistent asthma who were sensitised only to mite aeroallergens. The study group included 47 patients who underwent a 4-to-5-year course of subcutaneous immunotherapy with standardised mite allergenic extract. Sixty patients who had not undergone AIT but were allergic to house mites were included in the control group. The clinical features and laboratory parameters of patients who did and did not sustain remission were compared. Remission was achieved in 74.5% of the 47 patients in the study group and in 20% of those in the control group. In the study group, one parameter predictive of a clinical response to AIT was identified by multivariate logistic analysis. This parameter was the serum total IgE level (tIgE) at the time of diagnosis (OR 131.64 and CI 0.858–20193; p = 0.032). Serum tIgE levels ≤ 339 kU/L at diagnosis were associated with an effective clinical response to AIT, with a sensitivity of 64.5% and specificity of 88.9%. We conclude that measurement of the serum tIgE level can be used as a predictive test prior to AIT in patients sensitized to mite aeroallergens.

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IssueVol 15, No 2 (2016) QRcode
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Allergen immunotherapy Asthma Children Immunoglobulin E Mite

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Karaman S, Can D, Erdem S, Nacaroğlu H, Karkıner C, Günay İlker. Is There Any Parameter Helpful for Predicting a Suitable Candidate for Mite Immunotherapy?. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2016;15(2):105-111.