
Biochemical and Immunological Studies on Eight Pollen Types from South Assam, India


A total of 65 pollen types were identified from two years atmospheric pollen survey in the environmental conditions of South Assam. Out of them, eight pollen types viz., Acacia auriculiformis, Amaranthus spinosus, Cassia alata, Cleome gynandra, Cocos nucifera, Imperata cylindrica, Ricinus communis and Trewia nudiflora, were selected for biochemical studies on the basis of their dominance in the study sites. Among the sample extract tested, Ricinus communis was found to contain the highest amount of soluble protein, free amino acid and total carbohydrate, per gram of dry weight followed by Imperata cylindrica and Cassia alata. Maximum numbers of protein polypeptide bands were detected in the sample extract of Cassia alata by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis method followed by Acacia auriculiformis, Imperata cylindrica and Cocos nucifera. IgE binding protein fractions were maximum in Cassia alata and minimum in Trewia nudiflora.

IssueVol 8, No 4 (2009) QRcode
Aerobiology Allergy ELISA Immunology Pollen

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How to Cite
Sharma D, Dutta BK, Singh AB. Biochemical and Immunological Studies on Eight Pollen Types from South Assam, India. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1;8(4):185-192.