
Association of Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms with Bronchial Asthma in Macedonians


Bronchial asthma is a multifactorial disease whereby both environmental and genetic factors contribute to its aetiology and/or clinical severity. The aim of this study was to examine the association of 22 cytokine gene polymorphism in the Macedonian population with bronchial asthma (BA).
The sample of the population comprised of 301 normal unrelated individuals and 74 patients with BA. Cytokine genotyping was performed by PCR.
Susceptible cytokine polymorphisms for BA for ten genotypes (IL-4 -1098/T:T, TNF-α -238/A:G, IL-4 -590/C:C, IL-2 +166/T:T, IL-2 -330/T:T, IL-10 -1082/G:G, IFNγ utr5644/T:T, IL-10 -1082/A:A, IL-1β +3962/T:T, IL-6 -174/G:G), six diplotypes, four haplotypes, and two alleles were found. Protective cytokine polymorphisms for BA for seven cytokine genotypes (IL-4 -1098/G:T, TNF- α -238/G:G, IL-2 -330/G:T, IL-4 -590/C:T, IFNγ utr5644/A:T, IL-1β +3962/C:T, IL-10 -1082/A:G), six cytokine diplotypes, four cytokine haplotypes, and four cytokine alleles were found.
We concluded that several cytokine polymorphisms are protective, or susceptible associated with BA in population of Macedonians.

IssueVol 7, No 3 (2008) QRcode
Bronchial asthma Cytokine polymorphism Macedonians

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How to Cite
Dejan T, Jagoda M-S, Todor A, Aleksandar P, Ana S, Olivija E-M, Emilija S, Jean G, Mirko S. Association of Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms with Bronchial Asthma in Macedonians. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1;7(3):143-156.