
Evaluation of Psychological Status in Patients with Asthma and COPD


Chronic  obstructive  pulmonary  disease (COPD)  and  asthma  are  major  public  health problems, which seems to have close association with psychiatric disorders. The present study was conducted to compare the psychological status between asthmatic and COPD patients and clarify the relationship with severity of pulmonary obstruction.
This cross-sectional study was planned to compare the psychological status in 67 stable obstructive  lung patients (17 asthma, 24 asthmatic bronchitis  and 26 COPD)  referred to respiratory clinic of Ghaem hospital and 33 healthy controls, in Mashhad city, north east of Iran. Severity of  pulmonary obstruction  was determined based on  GOLD  criteria. “Beck Depression Inventory”, “Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale” and “SCL-90-R” questionnaires were used to determine the psychological status.
Prevalence of general psychopathology in asthma, COPD, asthmatic bronchitis and control groups were 64.7%, 42.3%, 33.3% and 36.4% respectively. Psychological status was directly related to severity of pulmonary obstruction (p=0.048), Prevalence of depression in asthmatic, COPD and asthmatic bronchitis groups were 66.7%, 54.2% and 44.4% respectively. Depression score was related to severity of pulmonary obstruction  (p=0.000).Prevalence of anxiety in asthma, COPD and asthmatic bronchitis were 46.7%, 45.8% and 40.7% respectively. Anxiety score was related to marital status and satisfaction with incomeAsthmatic and COPD  patients are at equal risk of developing psychiatric disorders and both  require  psychological evaluations  in  respiratory  clinics. Therapists  must  pay  more attention to patients with severe pulmonary disease.

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Anxiety Asthma Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases Depression Psychopathology

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Asnaashari AM, Talaei A, Baghban Haghighi M. Evaluation of Psychological Status in Patients with Asthma and COPD. Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1;11(1):65-71.